Sunday, January 31, 2016

It’s going to take a long time… Sow W.H.A.T.?

Years ago a friend suggested I write a book. Offended, I replied, “Do you know how long it will take to write a book?” The words flew from my mouth before I had time to give it reasonable consideration. I couldn’t believe he had suggested such a thing. I mean, really, who has the time?

Oh, the lessons I’ve learned over the years about this wonderful gift called time. Many of us defer our dreams based on the length of time; as if the validity of the manifestation does not matter because of the time it will take to produce. I know many of us are busy and do not feel we have sufficient time to sow into our dreams, wants and desires.  I’m writing this today so you will allow yourself a chance to pull back and readjust your vision lens.

I was able to do this when I moved from New York to North Carolina. My friend knew I had great stories to tell.  And after I moved, my life slowed down, and the writing bug bit. I began to value the time I had. However, manifestation of the vision requires more than valuing time. It requires active sowing.

I will share some life lessons to explain what I mean.

I met my husband while in my second semester of college. We fell head over heals in love. Against my parent’s better judgment, we married in my senior year. They were afraid I’d get pregnant and that might interfere with graduation. They were right! Seven months later I was pregnant and I put school on hold. Three years later, I had my second child. Finally, I decided I needed to return to earn those last 30 credits toward my bachelors’ degree. Returning with two young children was very challenging. Nevertheless, I completed the course. Looking back, it took ten years for me to earn my four-year degree. Sow…W.H.A.T.?

Here’s another life lesson…

My mother hit a very rough patch in her life when I turned 10 years old. She began drinking heavily and physically abused my sister and I. This went on for six years. Year in and year out, I prayed. As the years passed, things progressively worsened. My prayers did not fall upon deaf ears. In fact, I prayed for my mom to stop drinking, God did one better. He delivered her from drinking. After attending one year of AA meetings, she stopped going. My family panicked, thinking this was not good for a recovering alcoholic. Her words, “I just don’t want it anymore.” She never took another drink. It took a long time for that prayer to be answered, Sow…W.H.A.T.?

My point, God has given us the principle of seedtime and harvest. This is how production is manifested in the earth. Somehow, we’ve become microwave producers. If it’s going to take a long time, we respectfully decline the benefit. However, if we are to receive the benefit from the investment of time, then what should we sow?

W – Workable plan. Whatever you are working toward requires a workable plan.
H – Hold onto hope. The enemy will challenge you. Please know; with God all things are possible.
A – Acknowledgment. If you need direction, seek the Father. He will guide you.
T- Talk it up. Confess and call those things that be not, as though they were.

The next time a seed is planted into your heart that will take some time manifesting, reply with, Sow W.H.A.T. and get to work.

Bountiful blessings awaits.

Until we meet again,

Brook Lynn Dorcent
Author/Coach/Inspirational Speaker
Founder/Facilitator: JUST WRITE! - A Club for Writers
Missing the Mark (Novel One)
Pressing Toward the Mark (Novel Two)
Forgetting Betrayal (Novel Three)
Above All (Novel Four)
His Wedding Vow (A Novel) Coming Soon
Spirit Over Will (Devotional)
OUTStanding (Teen Guide)

Why Not...Read for Love

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