Sunday, August 26, 2012

Peculiar People See The Promise

Peculiar People See The Promise

I recently went to see the movie, The Odd Life of Timothy Green. The movie definitely had an impact on me. I planned to write about it. However, I could not find the biblical reference of comparison. As my pastor has taught us, view what we see through spiritual eyes. I waited until I could see it.

On Friday evening, my pastor spoke to the women and it hit me. Not right away. It didn’t hit until Saturday night. I guess the words were still marinating upon my heart.

Now my heart is fluttering, because I have the word that God wants me to share. So here it is…

In the movie, a wonderful couple have been unable to have a biological child. What was odd to me in the movie, although they had not conceived, they had a nursery set-up. Wow! What faith! Finally, the doctor gives the report; the couple will not have a child of their own seed.

They go home to grieve. The wife ends her cry in the nursery, and tells her husband they are moving on. Well husband is not ready. For one more night, they talk about what kind of child they would have, if they could have one. The couple makes a list as they speak. Clearly they are writing down the vision and making it plain. Habakkuk 2:2

They write down each characteristic of their unborn child on a small notepad. Then they put those notes into a wooden box; go out into the garden to bury it. I saw this as a sign of putting the circumstance to rest – but not their hope.

Lo and behold, they put the seed in the ground. That night, the rains came (only anointing their house) and out of the earth comes a little boy, Timothy Green. Good God Almighty!

My pastor’s message from Friday spoke to me. She spoke of how God had given the Virgin Mary a promise, as well as Abram and Sarai. Looking at the systematic way babies come into the world, it doesn’t seem that a virgin would deliver, or that an elderly barren woman would also. It’s peculiar, it’s odd or strange. It just doesn’t happen that way. However, we are a peculiar people…1 Peter 2:9

What brings the seeds to life in the midst of the peculiar? The answer is living in faith. And this is what has hit me, if we live in faith, and agree with His promise, God can create the peculiar. Since HE created the system in the first place, He can shift things, add variables, cause the odd, and strange things to have life.

I am learning if God has given me vision and promised me the odd and peculiar, all I have to do is believe, trust Him in faith and declare that it will be done unto me, according to His will for my life. God knows the plans He has for you and I. He knows what He is doing. Jeremiah 29:11. Will you live in faith and trust Him?

Grace and Peace,
Brook Lynn Dorcent, Author
Missing the Mark (Novel)
Pressing Toward the Mark (Novel)
Spirit Over Will (Devotional)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Madea and Time Out

Madea and Time Out

On July 18 my husband and I celebrated our anniversary. It was twenty years ago that we married. I remember that after the wedding festivities, we walked around our new neighborhood and saw a movie. To celebrate, we saw one on our anniversary.

Well now we live in North Carolina, so we drove to Raleigh. However, we found a quaint area and enjoyed a Madea movie.

At first I started to back away and see Spiderman. But my husband is a big Tyler Perry fan and even though he’d let me, I chose Madea’s Witness Protection Program.

It was so good! My husband usually has great movie pics.

I won’t give you a play-by-play, however, me with my analytical mind, it had me thinking.

The father in the movie is the CFO over a Ponzie scheme, unbeknownst to him. He was hand picked to take the fall for the scheme. And when the time came he was left holding the bag.

Problem, while the father is working all those years making a seven figure salary, he was missing out on so much – his family. His son wants to spend time with him, but…he’s too busy. His daughter is full of anger because she’s living with her father and his new wife. The father can’t help ‘cause he’s too busy. The wife is doing her best to hold it down, while also caring for her husband’s senile and hilarious mother. I’m a big fan of Doris Roberts who plays the mother.

Well, well, well…The family is forced to take a time-out when the Ponzie scheme hits the fan. Why? Because the mafia is after them. And guess where they go? That’s right, to Madea’s home and she is charged with protecting the family. Y’all know Madea is packing! But also, if anyone can make a family take a time-out, to reevaluate and restore unity and strength, it’s Madea. And of course she does it in the most humorous, belly-aching way.

Later that evening I recapped the movie’s theme in my mind.  What will it take for a power-driven man to see he is failing as a father? As a result, he is losing his children and intimacy with his spouse. For some a thrust into time-out may help. That can very well be a blessing, as it was in the movie. In time-out, ask the question, what is it costing me to gain the whole world, and lose all, including my family and my soul?

If that’s you, trapped in a work-driven, family failing cycle, ask your heavenly Father for a time-out. His loving grace will help you repair. Don’t wait as I’ve once heard Chris Rock say, until your daughter is somewhere swinging on a pole. Rock says, Fathers, if that’s your daughter, you’ve messed up! Don’t let that be you!

Thank you Madea and Chris Rock for such great family lessons.

Grace and Peace

Brook Lynn Dorcent

Missing the Mark – Romance Novel
Pressing Toward the Mark – Romance Novel
Spirit Over Will - Devotional

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Less is More

Less is More

OK, this is the last of the Hunger Games kick for me.

I reflect, inspired by the movie, The Hunger Games.

I remember watching the movie; I got really choked up and did a lot of crying. My sister was like, you alright? If my daughter would have been with me, she would have said, “Mom, it’s not that serious!” However, I think it is.

What really touched me wasn’t the romance or the sadness of the actual Hunger Games, but the blatant disregard for human life and the vanity of mankind.

If you’ve seen the movie, then you know how the people in the Capitol look. To give you an idea, picture in your mind the red carpet on the night of an awards show, then multiply this by 100. In other words, it was outrageous! I remember years ago Lionel Richie hosted an awards show and his word for the evening was OUTRAGEOUS!

Watching The Hunger Games made me wonder, and I don’t believe it is so far fetched from today’s times. Now don’t get me wrong, I like to put on a nice dress from time-to-time, get my hair did and all the works. I am not putting that down….but let’s look at our media. We are consumed by the clothes, hair, make-up, houses, and cars. I wonder as we get more and more materialized, do we disregard humanity less and less.

Is the message…Live LARGE, get MORE? If we’ve become so fascinated with the large, then are we chasing bigger, best and better and maybe forgetting those that have less? I hope not. Thanks to my book club, I started a money jar. This idea was inspired by a book we read, Christmas Jars by Jason F. Wright.

I’m saving for a family for the holidays. I’d like to cash in my change in exchange for a gift card for groceries and feed a family for the upcoming holiday season.

I am reminded; we must remember those that have less. For many with less have much greater values.

 I think the saying is true…LESS IS MORE.

Grace and Peace,

Brook Lynn

Brook Lynn Dorcent
Missing the Mark - Novel
Pressing Toward the Mark – Novel
Spirit Over Will – Devotional

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Good Romance

I’m a sappy love story kind of girl. I pour buckets from my eyes watching those heart moving movies. Recently, I went to see the Hunger Games with my sister. Then she urged me to read the book. I was like...I don’t know, just saw the movie. But she loaned me the book, and it just kept staring at me. Alright, I thought, what do you want to tell me, book? And I began reading.

Peeta the main character in the book loves Katniss. And when I say love, I mean, I’ll die for ya kinda love. No strings attached; nothing in return.

This man remembers when he first laid eyes on her…and that was when he was five years old! He remembered when she sang, the birds stopped to listen. He protects her at all costs. Now how can a hopeless romantic like me not get caught up in this?

But it makes me think, Oh! How God loves us. I mean He knew us before we were formed in the womb. He knows the number of hairs on our head. And HE did die for us.

No one can love us like God. I mean no one. As humans, of course our flesh craves romantic love. That’s normal and it does help with the procreation of our human race.

The way God loves us, we shouldn’t settle for less than anything than a love that knows and appreciates us. The kind of love that never forgets the first time they laid eyes on us or heard our voice or maybe discovered our talents.

We have good examples in books and movies of this wonderful love. However, the greatest example of all comes from the Father. And that really moves me too!

Grace and Peace,

Brook Lynn