Sunday, January 31, 2016

It’s going to take a long time… Sow W.H.A.T.?

Years ago a friend suggested I write a book. Offended, I replied, “Do you know how long it will take to write a book?” The words flew from my mouth before I had time to give it reasonable consideration. I couldn’t believe he had suggested such a thing. I mean, really, who has the time?

Oh, the lessons I’ve learned over the years about this wonderful gift called time. Many of us defer our dreams based on the length of time; as if the validity of the manifestation does not matter because of the time it will take to produce. I know many of us are busy and do not feel we have sufficient time to sow into our dreams, wants and desires.  I’m writing this today so you will allow yourself a chance to pull back and readjust your vision lens.

I was able to do this when I moved from New York to North Carolina. My friend knew I had great stories to tell.  And after I moved, my life slowed down, and the writing bug bit. I began to value the time I had. However, manifestation of the vision requires more than valuing time. It requires active sowing.

I will share some life lessons to explain what I mean.

I met my husband while in my second semester of college. We fell head over heals in love. Against my parent’s better judgment, we married in my senior year. They were afraid I’d get pregnant and that might interfere with graduation. They were right! Seven months later I was pregnant and I put school on hold. Three years later, I had my second child. Finally, I decided I needed to return to earn those last 30 credits toward my bachelors’ degree. Returning with two young children was very challenging. Nevertheless, I completed the course. Looking back, it took ten years for me to earn my four-year degree. Sow…W.H.A.T.?

Here’s another life lesson…

My mother hit a very rough patch in her life when I turned 10 years old. She began drinking heavily and physically abused my sister and I. This went on for six years. Year in and year out, I prayed. As the years passed, things progressively worsened. My prayers did not fall upon deaf ears. In fact, I prayed for my mom to stop drinking, God did one better. He delivered her from drinking. After attending one year of AA meetings, she stopped going. My family panicked, thinking this was not good for a recovering alcoholic. Her words, “I just don’t want it anymore.” She never took another drink. It took a long time for that prayer to be answered, Sow…W.H.A.T.?

My point, God has given us the principle of seedtime and harvest. This is how production is manifested in the earth. Somehow, we’ve become microwave producers. If it’s going to take a long time, we respectfully decline the benefit. However, if we are to receive the benefit from the investment of time, then what should we sow?

W – Workable plan. Whatever you are working toward requires a workable plan.
H – Hold onto hope. The enemy will challenge you. Please know; with God all things are possible.
A – Acknowledgment. If you need direction, seek the Father. He will guide you.
T- Talk it up. Confess and call those things that be not, as though they were.

The next time a seed is planted into your heart that will take some time manifesting, reply with, Sow W.H.A.T. and get to work.

Bountiful blessings awaits.

Until we meet again,

Brook Lynn Dorcent
Author/Coach/Inspirational Speaker
Founder/Facilitator: JUST WRITE! - A Club for Writers
Missing the Mark (Novel One)
Pressing Toward the Mark (Novel Two)
Forgetting Betrayal (Novel Three)
Above All (Novel Four)
His Wedding Vow (A Novel) Coming Soon
Spirit Over Will (Devotional)
OUTStanding (Teen Guide)

Why Not...Read for Love

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Mom Said, Take It!

Mom At Easter Dinner 1976
Moving forward while facing opposition is not easy. I know. After seven years of marriage, my husband and I separated. I was feeling badly and looking worse than I felt. My mom was living at the time. She said, “Girl, pick yourself up, go get your hair done, and we’re going shopping!”

Mom didn’t have very much money. She gave me what she had to improve my appearance. Not only that, she and my sister would force me to come out of my emotional depression. They’d say, “Today, we’re watching this movie, or today we’re going here.”

They didn’t let me wallow. I don’t know if they were aware of what their actions were truly portraying. At that time I wasn’t aware. However, their actions declared this; God has given you goodness, take it, look like it, and act like it.

Initially, I didn’t want to move forward. I wanted to curl into a ball, sit in the shower and let the water drown me. Some days, that is exactly what I did. I couldn’t see the vision of joy and happiness God had for me.

God not only gave me my family to help me through the roadblock, He sent great friends, along with Dr. Charles Stanley and Kirk Franklin. OK, no, Dr. Stanley and Mr. Franklin didn’t come to visit me. Their ministry did, however. They touched my life in ways I cannot adequately articulate. Their words pushed me, motivated to take what God had planned for me.

Sixteen years later, I am happily married to the same man that once separated from me -- the joy in our hearts and home overflows. We need more than one cup…

Although God has a plan for us, we still have a responsibility to partake. We have to take what has been laid out for us. For many of us who have started our businesses and ministries, we started out with a force of strength and passion. On cloud nine to the ninth power, nothing could stop us. Later along the way, roadblocks, opposition and heartache appeared. It can be very easy to slip into a comfortable stance and say, I’ll sit here, I will not move forward.

Whatever you are facing now, you must lift up your head and know you can get through this, prosperity and peace belongs to you. And although, you have faced a roadblock, God has positioned people in your life that will help you through it.

Don’t wallow, get up and take it!

Until we meet again,

Brook Lynn

Brook Lynn Dorcent
Author/Coach/Inspirational Speaker
Founder/Facilitator: JUST WRITE! - A Club for Writers
Missing the Mark (Novel One)
Pressing Toward the Mark (Novel Two)
Forgetting Betrayal (Novel Three)
Above All (Novel Four)
His Wedding Vow (A Novella) Coming Soon
Spirit Over Will (Devotional)
OUTStanding (Teen Guide)
Why Not...Read for Love

Sunday, January 17, 2016

We Know Too Much!

Recently, I had the pleasure of recording our February episode of THE JUST WRITE REVIEW! It was truly amazing. Our guest author, Dr. Calvin Ellison shared his new book with us, Beyond Your Comfort Zones. I was first introduced to the book with a request to endorse it. After reading the book treatment, I was convinced the book was written solely for me. It is a very scary thing to step out of our comfort zones. Yet, for the past year, I continually hear that is exactly what I am to do.

I have to ask myself what is truly holding me back. The answer, I’m afraid of exposure. This is really hard for me to admit to myself. For one, I pray for exposure. I pray that my books will be read globally. I pray for doors to open to share my ministry. But then, when someone says you ought to apply for greater exposure, I clam up.

Second question for myself, why am I afraid of exposure? The answer, people will look at me and see; truly there is nothing special about me. Really, I am just a girl from Brooklyn. That’s what I know.

Dr. Ellison helped me yesterday. He said, we know too much! Wow! Immediately my mind went to Adam and Eve. They were not allowed to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. I always questioned that. To me, knowledge is power. The more we know, the further we go. That’s what we hear.

As we continued our interview, Dr. Ellison said, moving out of our comfort zone requires us to be naked. The covers have to come off. The light went off for me. I’m getting it now. This move is going to require real faith. I can’t rely on what I know. In fact, what I know isn’t helpful. God doesn’t need my knowledge to accomplish His will. He does require my obedience.

I know myself in this now present moment. God knows me in my tomorrow. If I forget what I know, transform my mind and obtain God’s mind, I will be the vessel He’s designed me to be.

I’d be lying if I said; I’m completely ready for this move. The truth is; I’ll never be ready. I am, however, going to be obedient.  Here we go!

My question to you today…
Will you forget what you know, be obedient and move beyond your comfort zone?

Visit Amazon to obtain Dr. Calvin Ellison’s book, Beyond Your Comfort Zones

To view the Dr. Ellison’s interview airing February 20 visit my YouTube Channel (THE JUST WRITE REVIEW)

Until we meet again…

Brook Lynn

Brook Lynn Dorcent
Author/Coach/Inspirational Speaker
Founder/Facilitator: JUST WRITE! - A Club for Writers
Missing the Mark (Novel One)
Pressing Toward the Mark (Novel Two)
Forgetting Betrayal (Novel Three)
Above All (Novel Four)
His Wedding Vow (A Novella) Coming Soon
Spirit Over Will (Devotional)
OUTStanding (Teen Guide)

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Borrowed Time - Use it Wisely

Just before the holidays I heard quite a bit of bad news – the Planned Parenthood shooting, the Paris terrorist attacks, the San Bernardino shooting in CA, a young child in my hometown was hit by a car and killed, and friend’s daughter was killed in a car accident.

These things weighed heavily upon my spirit. As the holidays approached, it was difficult for me to grasp the concept of celebrating Christ’s birth. There should have been joy, singing and anticipation. Instead, I felt grief and daunting hopelessness. I questioned the weight upon my spirit. I am a Christian. How did I allow these reports to impress upon me so deeply? I kept considering the families. Upon the holiday season; they were missing loved ones, they were hurting. How can we shout Hallelujah?

In times of doubt and distress, I returned to my source of hope. I prayed, Lord, how can there be lights, singing, decorations, laughter and Christmas cookies in our home, when so many others are hurting so deeply?

The Prince of Peace replied, If I had not come into the world and died, these deaths would be meaningless. I came to save. I came to provide a way of escape from death into eternal life. That is something to celebrate! Your time on earth is simply borrowed time.

Well, that did comfort me some. However, being the analytical child of God that I am, I went back into questioning mode, fear begin to set in. Borrowed time, I thought… Well is it all an illusion then? Is it like a love affair and one party is married? They know that this relationship is only temporary, because they are on borrowed time? If so, what is the point of borrowed time? Borrow means I have to pay back, no?

I’m thankful for a God that indulges my thought process. He reminded me of borrowing money for a house or car. Once the loan is approved, the bank pays the housing company or the car dealership and you drive away with a new vehicle or walk into your new home. You have every intention to enjoy the home and car. You celebrate! You don’t think, well…I can’t really enjoy these things because I borrowed the money. In fact, although we have a car note or mortgage payment we say; I bought a house or car. We don’t say, the bank paid for it.

The time God has given to me, He wants me to walk in it with celebration! He wants me to enjoy it to the fullest. He also has some divine assignments for me during this borrowed time. He didn’t give me the time solely for celebration. Time is designed for production. It is the principle given to the earth of seedtime and harvest. During my borrowed time, what have I produced? Ultimately, I cannot allow the effects of sin and death to encroach upon my production schedule. I cannot allow them to guide me into moments of depression and despair. In darkness, I would not be productive.

I was so glad my Father and I had this talk. Of course He closed it out with finesse and greatness. That’s just how wonderful He is. He said, I am the way. This borrowed time I’ve given to you, you do not have to pay back. I paid the price in full. This loan is forgiven. Be fruitful and multiple. Enjoy your life.

Thank you for reading, I challenge you to consider your borrowed time and production schedule this week. 

Until we meet again…

Brook Lynn

Brook Lynn Dorcent
Author/Coach/Inspirational Speaker
Founder/Facilitator: JUST WRITE! - A Club for Writers
Missing the Mark (Novel One)
Pressing Toward the Mark (Novel Two)
Forgetting Betrayal (Novel Three)
Above All (Novel Four)
His Wedding Vow (A Novella) Coming Soon
Spirit Over Will (Devotional)

Why Not...Read for Love