Sunday, January 10, 2016

Borrowed Time - Use it Wisely

Just before the holidays I heard quite a bit of bad news – the Planned Parenthood shooting, the Paris terrorist attacks, the San Bernardino shooting in CA, a young child in my hometown was hit by a car and killed, and friend’s daughter was killed in a car accident.

These things weighed heavily upon my spirit. As the holidays approached, it was difficult for me to grasp the concept of celebrating Christ’s birth. There should have been joy, singing and anticipation. Instead, I felt grief and daunting hopelessness. I questioned the weight upon my spirit. I am a Christian. How did I allow these reports to impress upon me so deeply? I kept considering the families. Upon the holiday season; they were missing loved ones, they were hurting. How can we shout Hallelujah?

In times of doubt and distress, I returned to my source of hope. I prayed, Lord, how can there be lights, singing, decorations, laughter and Christmas cookies in our home, when so many others are hurting so deeply?

The Prince of Peace replied, If I had not come into the world and died, these deaths would be meaningless. I came to save. I came to provide a way of escape from death into eternal life. That is something to celebrate! Your time on earth is simply borrowed time.

Well, that did comfort me some. However, being the analytical child of God that I am, I went back into questioning mode, fear begin to set in. Borrowed time, I thought… Well is it all an illusion then? Is it like a love affair and one party is married? They know that this relationship is only temporary, because they are on borrowed time? If so, what is the point of borrowed time? Borrow means I have to pay back, no?

I’m thankful for a God that indulges my thought process. He reminded me of borrowing money for a house or car. Once the loan is approved, the bank pays the housing company or the car dealership and you drive away with a new vehicle or walk into your new home. You have every intention to enjoy the home and car. You celebrate! You don’t think, well…I can’t really enjoy these things because I borrowed the money. In fact, although we have a car note or mortgage payment we say; I bought a house or car. We don’t say, the bank paid for it.

The time God has given to me, He wants me to walk in it with celebration! He wants me to enjoy it to the fullest. He also has some divine assignments for me during this borrowed time. He didn’t give me the time solely for celebration. Time is designed for production. It is the principle given to the earth of seedtime and harvest. During my borrowed time, what have I produced? Ultimately, I cannot allow the effects of sin and death to encroach upon my production schedule. I cannot allow them to guide me into moments of depression and despair. In darkness, I would not be productive.

I was so glad my Father and I had this talk. Of course He closed it out with finesse and greatness. That’s just how wonderful He is. He said, I am the way. This borrowed time I’ve given to you, you do not have to pay back. I paid the price in full. This loan is forgiven. Be fruitful and multiple. Enjoy your life.

Thank you for reading, I challenge you to consider your borrowed time and production schedule this week. 

Until we meet again…

Brook Lynn

Brook Lynn Dorcent
Author/Coach/Inspirational Speaker
Founder/Facilitator: JUST WRITE! - A Club for Writers
Missing the Mark (Novel One)
Pressing Toward the Mark (Novel Two)
Forgetting Betrayal (Novel Three)
Above All (Novel Four)
His Wedding Vow (A Novella) Coming Soon
Spirit Over Will (Devotional)

Why Not...Read for Love

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