Sunday, May 15, 2016

A Grateful Heart

Gracias, Merci Beaucoup, Grazie, dojeh, daw-dyeh, Danke Sher, Thank You!

I tried to find a variety of ways to express my appreciation for JUST WRITE’S - Meet The Authors Event. In my heart, I feel there isn’t a word I can say/write to express my gratitude. God gave me a vision to host the event at The Best Western Suites. I saw the center of the conference room filled with chairs and the tables positioned along the sides of the walls.

The purpose of the event was to love on our JUST WRITE members. They have worked hard. 

When I arrived and begin set-up, I changed the vision. I thought, perhaps, I’ll put a couple tables out for guests. Since we are having refreshments, people might want to rest their plates and cups. Well, that meant each author would not have their individual table to display their work.They would have to share. 

I am thankful for good people God has placed in my life. The first to arrive, Lydia Best. She said, “No, we prayed for standing room only. Let’s use the tables and put out more chairs.” That’s what we did and God did the rest. The room filled with many faces I had never seen before. I am humbled by each and every guest that crossed the threshold.

I am grateful for my friend Donna who came. She noticed something. “Why is that curtain coming down?” She immediately stood on a chair to fix it. I told her; I’ll stand here in case you fall. Well, what happened? I got distracted and walked away. Thankfully, she was fine. However, she had my back. She set-up refreshments and took pictures. My KP also took pictures (Keischa Pruden).

In the bustle of it all, I failed to appoint a greeter. Darlene, one of members that was also presenting said, “I’d be happy to greet and pass out the raffle tickets.” Just like that — no hesitation. Once again, grateful was I.

My sister, Tissany Atkinson of Women in Business supported. Although she had a full day, she was there. My WIB sisters, Kathy Hunter and Tanya Higgins supported. Thank you! Kathy was also a vendor.  She filled the room with wonderful fragrances, compliments of her Scentsy business.

I am also thankful for everyone who helped spread the word and shared the invitation on social media. It has not gone unnoticed.

My baby-girl is amazing. Ariel is a young adult with her own agenda. Still, she found time to come take pictures and video. Although, she let me know in no uncertain terms, “Do not ask to see the footage until Tuesday.” Noted.  

My authors/writers/members — yes — I call them mine. I believe God has given them to me to assist in their literary journey. They showed up and showed out. They were beautifully dressed, professionally presented, and their tables were adorned with their heart/soul; their books. Proud? That word doesn’t come close to describing my admiration for them. 

Where will God take them next? I sincerely do not know. However, I do know there are no limits to what He can do. They will do great and mighty work for The Kingdom. 

Next year, we are claiming a larger venue. We serve a mighty BIG God! So…The Hilton, here we come. 

After an accomplishment in your life, do you plan for bigger? I'd love to hear your comments.

Until We Meet Again,

Brook Lynn

Brook Lynn Dorcent
Author/Coach/Inspirational Speaker
Founder/Facilitator: JUST WRITE! - A Club for Writers
Missing the Mark (Novel One)
Pressing Toward the Mark (Novel Two)
Forgetting Betrayal (Novel Three)
Above All (Novel Four)
His Wedding Vow (A Novel) Coming Soon
Spirit Over Will (Devotional)
OUTStanding (Memoir/Teen Guide)
Why Not...Read for Love

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