Monday, January 7, 2013

I Have Dreamed A Dream

For those close to me, you know that I have very vivid dreams. I won’t name any names, Jacques, Elyse and Nicole. LOL

Last night was such a night that I dreamed, vividly. After the dream woke me up and I couldn’t get go directly back to sleep (which is rare), I began to analyze (which is common). My analysis moved it upon heart to share the workings of my mind with you. Please don’t laugh…

OK. In the dream, I was a Nanny. Now many of you know the infamous show with Fran Drescher. Good. Similarly, that was my role in the dream. I wasn’t a wife or mother of my own children as I am today. I was the Nanny, living in an exquisite home, keeper of the father’s children. No mother was present.

In the dream, one of children, I would say of age 12 needed help with a project. I proceed to go with him, and we enter the underground garage of the home. When we get downstairs we notice some unusual activity -- mobster like men driving into the garage. They have unfamiliar faces to us. The mobster men are looking silently at us, and we at them. And me, being suspicious and from Brooklyn, I quickly decide, UH OH, time to go.

I tell the child, and we enter the streets. Lo and below, I find myself on the city streets of New York. Even in my dream, I felt a flutter of happiness, because I’m home. In New York, I know how to get around. I’ll take a bus or train in a heartbeat.

Our location is around 42nd street, so I know exactly where we are. I don’t want to go underground with the child, I tell him, walk fast and we’re going to go to the first bus stop and grab a bus to somewhere, anywhere. All I know is; I want to get to a safe place, safe people and tell someone what’s going on.

I see the light ahead as we approach a bus stop. However, one of the mobster men drive upon us. He gets out of the car and calls for the boy. I’m gripping his hand, telling him, stay with me, come on! The man shows him a note with a name on it, tells the child his friend is in danger. The boy’s eyes bubble up with tears and he pulls away from me. I’m pleading, begging for him to stay with me, that it’s not safe. The child somehow knows, but he wants to go help the person who’s name is on the note.

I continue to plea with him, explaining it’s just a trick, a ploy to get you away from safety.

Well, don’t ask me if the child went with the man or stayed with me, because I awoke upset. It upset me that the child was so distraught and no matter how I tried to convince or plea with him, he seemed pulled towards unrest.

In my thinking, I consider the children of God. I think, have we been in unsafe situations and the Father sent someone to lead us to safety. However, along the way, are we deceived and distracted. Does this happen? Does God clearly have our hand in His, but we pull away thinking, I’m needed elsewhere?

Is God leading us into safe places, prosperous places, full of life and joy? Is he calling us, prompting us? If he has provided a safe place for you, will you go?

I have dreamed a dream, and now I wonder, has God called you to something, but you’ve let go of His hand, and are now standing in limbo. Are you standing between His call and that of deception? How long will you stand still? And which call will you answer?

Grace and Peace,

Brook Lynn Dorcent
Missing the Mark (Book One)
Pressing Toward the Mark (Book Two)
Forgetting Those Things (Book Three – coming 2013)
Spirit Over Will (Devotional)

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