Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Good Romance

I’m a sappy love story kind of girl. I pour buckets from my eyes watching those heart moving movies. Recently, I went to see the Hunger Games with my sister. Then she urged me to read the book. I was like...I don’t know, just saw the movie. But she loaned me the book, and it just kept staring at me. Alright, I thought, what do you want to tell me, book? And I began reading.

Peeta the main character in the book loves Katniss. And when I say love, I mean, I’ll die for ya kinda love. No strings attached; nothing in return.

This man remembers when he first laid eyes on her…and that was when he was five years old! He remembered when she sang, the birds stopped to listen. He protects her at all costs. Now how can a hopeless romantic like me not get caught up in this?

But it makes me think, Oh! How God loves us. I mean He knew us before we were formed in the womb. He knows the number of hairs on our head. And HE did die for us.

No one can love us like God. I mean no one. As humans, of course our flesh craves romantic love. That’s normal and it does help with the procreation of our human race.

The way God loves us, we shouldn’t settle for less than anything than a love that knows and appreciates us. The kind of love that never forgets the first time they laid eyes on us or heard our voice or maybe discovered our talents.

We have good examples in books and movies of this wonderful love. However, the greatest example of all comes from the Father. And that really moves me too!

Grace and Peace,

Brook Lynn

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