Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My First Kiss

That Very First Kiss. Do you remember yours? Mine was nearly perfect. I’ll always remember it. Not because the boy was my first love. I didn’t know him well. We grew up on the same block, however. And we played the cat and mouse game. I guess you can say he caught me.

Although in truth, I was much too young to be sharing a first kiss at age 11. I know if my children read this, they’re going to shout at me, “Mom, you were only 11?” I’ll accept their disapproval later.
For now I’ll tell you how it happened. My friends and I was on this baking kick. We’d do that – become consumed by one interest after another. One week it would be bikes, the next, roller skates, the next, nail polish. We were quite a diverse group.

So on our baking kick their parents were gracious, allowing us to bake cookies at their home until our hearts were content. My mother would not have allowed us to mess her up kitchen. OH NO! And you can imagine; flour fell everywhere. We baked from scratch!
Now the kiss…

It was one Saturday late in the afternoon. The girls and I had a batch in the oven. For privacy purposes, I’ll call the boy Chaise. Chaise had stopped in. Maybe he smelled the cookies. I’m not sure. While the cookies were baking, Chaise and I talked alone in the living room. I sat in a chair, and he at my feet.

Please don’t ask what we discussed; only past days could tell. I do recall when the moment happened. My senses were on high alert. I could feel my hair grow. He rose up on his knees, our eyes locked, he leaned in slowly, and I followed suit. My brain shut down. NO thoughts, just actions. Our lips met and I felt...perfection. Then he suddenly changed gears on me, introducing me to his tongue.

My brain started working again and it flipped out, shouting, “YUCK! What the heck was that?” My perfect moment ceased. Disapprovingly confused and against my better judgment, I ordered my mouth to follow the kiss to the end.

After that distasteful experience, I didn’t want to kiss any boy for a very long time. Not to mention; I felt completely guilty when I returned home that afternoon. My mother asked, “How’d the baking go?” All I could say was; “It went.”
I learned a lesson because of that kiss, however, not until years later. My children tell me that I’m always looking for the lesson in things. My reply, if you seek, you’ll find. That’s what the Bible says anyway.

As an adult and having shared many great kisses with my husband, I know all kissing ain’t bad. So why did I freak out when I was 11? That’s simple, I wasn’t ready.

Here’s the lesson. Do you have set goals, a business, or a project you’re working on? You know…you get this spark of an idea. Then we put it into motion and it is working! All seems perfect. It’s a euphoric moment. Then something slippery comes into the mix. And we’re like…YUCK! What the heck was that? It may impact us to put progress on hold, or walk away all together. I hope we don’t do that.
Analyze the situation, instead. Pray, ask for guidance and look for the lesson to be learned. Maybe we simply weren’t ready for that next step. We might have more growing to do, need additional life experiences or knowledge. Perhaps we have the wrong partners.

Doing things at the appropriate time with the appropriate partners removes regrets, guilt and confusion and leaves us with perfect peace.

Happy Smooches!


Brook Lynn Dorcent

Author/Inspirational Speaker

Missing the Mark (Romance/Suspense Series – Novel One)

Pressing Toward the Mark (Romance/Suspense Series – Novel Two)

Forgetting Those Things…(Romance/Suspense Series – Novel Three)

Reaching Forth (Coming 2014 Romance/Suspense Series – Novel Four)

Spirit Over Will (Devotional)

Founder – Just Write Writer’s Club

Why not…Read for Love


  1. This was an awesome blog! Really enjoyed it. Hope all is well! :))

    1. Hi Raven! So nice to hear from you. Yes, thank God all is well. I hope all is well with you too. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
